Soak up the Spring trip to Singapore – The Country of Green light on Innovation Technology

We had a fantastic day, with plenty of sunshine, and we were thrilled to release two new SaaS products that were the result of our collaborative efforts with our clients and partners.

MVP development
The most-asked questions regarding minimum viable product (MVP)

Do you know what successful products like Airbnb, Spotify, and Uber have in common? They were way different from what they look like today. That’s because these products all started with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) before evolving into their mature versions as we know today. So, what is MVP? Why does it matter? How […]

green tech ideas for startups
Green innovations around the world and opportunities for Asian green tech startups

GREEN TECH (abbreviation of green technology) is an umbrella term that represents the category of technologies that serve the ultimate goal of reducing or reversing negative human impacts on the natural environment. The term green tech is often used interchangeably with “clean tech” or “environmental technology”.

startup mistakes at product discovery stage
How startup failures can be predicted in Product Discovery stage

Many startups failed because they were so excited about their initial idea that they overestimated its potential, thus rushing into development without sufficient considerations, preparations, in other words, inadequate product discovery.